Any attempt to give or obtain assistance in a formal academic exercise that misrepresents
what information a student has learned or mastered. Examples include, but are not
limited to:
- Copying from another student’s test or assignment or allowing another student to copy
from your test or assignment;
- Collaborating during a test with any other person without instructor permission;
- Using the course textbook or other course materials during a test without instructor
- Using prepared material (e.g., notes, formula lists), electronic devices, or websites/online
resources during a test without instructor permission;
- Using instructor texts or other such material to complete an assignment without instructor
- Sharing information about test questions or materials with another person without
instructor permission;
- Failing to follow test-taking procedures (e.g., talking, laughing, failing to adhere
to starting and stopping times, failing to take a seat assignment, or other disruptive
behaviors/activities); and,
- Collaborating with other students on written assignments without instructor permission.
Deception is providing false information to an instructor, administrator, or staff
member in an academic exercise or manipulating or misusing documents, electronic media,
or procedures to circumvent College policies, rules, or regulations. Examples include,
but are not limited to:
- Taking more time on tests or assignments than allowed;
- Giving a dishonest excuse when asking for a deadline extension or other advantage;
- Falsely claiming to have submitted work; and,
- Any forgery, alteration, unauthorized possession, or misuse of College documents pertaining
to academic records including, but not limited to:
- Late or retroactive change of course application forms
- Late or retroactive withdrawal forms
- Altered or misused documents or College records by means of computer resources or
other equipment.
Fabrication is the falsification of data, information, citations, research, or other
findings with the intent to deceive for academic gain. Examples include, but are not
limited to;
- Altering numbers to make experiments “work”;
- Making false claims about the research performed;
- Selective submitting of research or survey results to exclude inconvenient data;
- Inventing data or source information for research or other academic exercises;
- Citing information not taken from the source indicated; and,
- Listing sources in a bibliography not actually used in the academic exercise.
Grade Tampering
Grade tampering involves altering or being an accessory to the changing and/or modifying
of a grade. Examples include, but are not limited to:
- Influencing or attempting to influence any College official, instructor, employee,
or student through the use of bribery, threats, intimidation, or any other means of
coercion in order to affect a grade or evaluation; and,
- Altering or changing a grade, a grade form, or any other official academic record.
Plagiarism is the uncredited use (intentional and unintentional) of somebody else’s
words or ideas in your course exams, papers, and assignments. Students are not guilty
of plagiarism when they try in good faith to acknowledge others’ work but fail to
do so accurately. However, students must make an honest attempt to credit another's
words or ideas. The typing of a student’s paper by another person is permissible with
accommodations, but the content, corrections, and rephrasing must be the student’s
Sabotage is when a student prevents others from completing their academic assignment
or work. Examples include, but are not limited to:
- Hiding or destroying books, reference material, class resources, or electronic files/data
that other students may need to complete assignments or academic work;
- Willfully disrupting the use of learning resources or equipment; and,
- Willfully disrupting experiments or work of other students.
Misuse of Computers and Other Electronic Technology
网赌正规真人实体在线平台 computing and telecommunications facilities and equipment are provided for the
use of students in fulfilling their academic needs. Individuals using these resources
have the right to work in an electronic environment free of harassment and the right
to expect that their data's integrity and security will be maintained. The College
reserves the right to inspect the electronic files and accounts of those using its
computing resources. Students using their own electronic devices for academic purposes
will also be held accountable to the 网赌正规真人实体在线平台 Student Code of Conduct. Examples of academic
dishonesty through computer/technology use include, but are not limited to:
- Unauthorized access or manipulation of computer files, facilities, networks, systems,
programs, or data;
- Copyright violations such as copying, transmitting, or discharging data, software,
or documentation without proper authorization;
- Using a 网赌正规真人实体在线平台 computer for solicitation for charity or other benefits;
- Using a 网赌正规真人实体在线平台 computer for personal profit, personal advertisements, or illegal purposes;
- Using offensive or abusive language on the network or any electronic communication;
- Promoting and sending chain letters;
- Harassing students or employees at the College or other institutions;
- Sexual harassment comments directed to another person;
- Discriminatory comments directed to another person;
- Unauthorized copying of computer software or data, removal of computer equipment without
authorization, or deliberate behaviors to avoid being billed/charged for computer
- Attempted or detected alteration of user system software, data, or other files on
网赌正规真人实体在线平台 computers/systems; and,
- Unauthorized and time-consuming recreational game playing on 网赌正规真人实体在线平台 devices.